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AT&T Plaza Stock Footage and Stock Videos - 13 Results

13 results of AT&T Plaza Stock Footage and Videos in 1080, UHD, 4K & 5K

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13 results found
AX0001_104.0000031F - Aerial stock photo of The Cloud Gate sculpture at AT&T Park and Jay Pritzker Pavilion, Grant Park, Downtown Chicago, Illinois


AX0001_104.0000110F - Aerial stock photo of Cloud Gate sculpture at AT&T Park by Jay Pritzker Pavilion in Grant Park, Downtown Chicago, Illinois


AX0002_007 - 4.8K aerial stock footage tilt from Lake Shore Drive, revealing Cloud Gate, Jay Pritzker Pavilion, and downtown Chicago skyscrapers, Illinois


AX0001_103 - 4.8K aerial stock footage fly over Grant Park, and tilt to Cloud Gate sculpture and Jay Pritzker Pavilion, Downtown Chicago, Illinois


AX0001_026 - 4.8K aerial stock footage of The Jay Pritzker Pavilion, revealing Downtown Chicago skyscrapers, on a hazy day, Illinois


AX0001_105 - 4.8K aerial stock footage bird's eye view of Cloud Gate sculpture at AT&T Plaza, Downtown Chicago, Illinois


AX0003_100 - 4.8K aerial stock footage bird's eye view of N Michigan Avenue past Two Prudential Plaza to Grant Park, Downtown Chicago, Illinois, twilight


AXSF07_075 - 5K aerial stock footage of tilting from AT&T Park to reveal skyscrapers in Downtown San Francisco, California, night


AX0001_103.0000270F - Aerial stock photo of Cloud Gate sculpture and Jay Pritzker Pavilion in Grant Park, Downtown Chicago, Illinois


AX0001_104 - 4.8K aerial stock footage of the Cloud Gate sculpture at AT&T Park and Jay Pritzker Pavilion, Downtown Chicago, Illinois


PP0002_000083 - 5.7K stock footage aerial video ascend from baseball stadium to focus on the skyline of Downtown San Francisco, California


AX0001_102 - 4.8K aerial stock footage fly over Grant Park toward downtown skyscrapers, Downtown Chicago, Illinois


AX0002_080 - 4.8K aerial stock footage of a bird's eye view of the Jay Pritzker Pavilion and the Cloud Gate sculpture in AT&T Plaza, Downtown Chicago, Illinois


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