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Cargill Grain Elevator Stock Footage and Stock Videos - 212 Results

212 results of Cargill Grain Elevator Stock Footage and Videos in 1080, UHD, 4K & 5K

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212 results found
DXP001_038_0007 - Aerial stock photo of A view of the St. Louis Arch and the city skyline at sunrise in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_023_0001 - Aerial stock photo of The Mississippi River and Gateway Arch by the skyline, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_021_0001 - Aerial stock photo of The Arch and city skyline across the Mississippi River at sunrise, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_030_0002 - Aerial stock photo of The Gateway Geyser with the Arch in the background, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


DXP001_022_0002 - Aerial stock photo of A park and grain elevator by the river with views of the Arch and skyline, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_027_0004 - Aerial stock photo of The Gateway Arch and Downtown St. Louis at sunset, seen from East St. Louis, Illinois


DXP001_030_0001 - Aerial stock photo of The Gateway Geyser and Arch, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


DXP001_021_0004 - Aerial stock photo of The skyline and Arch across from a park and grain elevator, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000680 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the Gateway Arch and Downtown St. Louis at sunset, seen from East St. Louis, Illinois


DXP001_038_0002 - Aerial stock photo of The Gateway Arch at sunrise in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_021_0005 - Aerial stock photo of The Arch and skyline seen from a park across the Mississippi River, sunrise, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000749 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the Gateway Geyser and Arch, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


DXP001_037_0008 - Aerial stock photo of The Arch and skyline in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, by Mississippi River at twilight


DXP001_021_0007 - Aerial stock photo of A view from the interstate of the Arch and skyline, sunrise, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_022_0005 - Aerial stock photo of Riverfront park with Arch and skyline across the river, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000709 - 5.7K aerial stock footage a sunset view of Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_022_0004 - Aerial stock photo of The Arch and skyline seen from a riverfront park, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000761 - 5.7K aerial stock footage approach Gateway Geyser and the Arch across the river, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


DX0001_000564 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of interstates and park in East St. Louis, and skyline with Arch in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000739 - 5.7K aerial stock footage slow flyby of Gateway Arch and Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, sunset


DX0001_000955 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the Gateway Arch in the morning while descending, reveal I-55, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000546 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of ascending over freeway toward park in East St. Louis with views of skyline and Arch, sunrise, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_038_0009 - Aerial stock photo of Park and the Gateway Arch in the morning, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000537 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of Gateway Arch and skyline seen from East St. Louis, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000962 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby grain elevator with view of the Gateway Arch in the morning, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000941 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of sunlight on the St. Louis Arch by the river at sunrise in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_022_0001 - Aerial stock photo of A park and the St. Louis skyline across Mississippi River,Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000701 - 5.7K aerial stock footage the Arch and Downtown St. Louis, Missouri skyline with setting sun in background


DX0001_000747 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city skyline in silhouette, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


DX0001_000523 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascending over park toward Mississippi River, Arch and skyline at sunrise, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_029_0002 - Aerial stock photo of The iconic Gateway Arch and Downtown St. Louis skyline, Missouri at sunset


DX0001_000679 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly over brick building at sunset toward Gateway Arch and Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000751 - 5.7K aerial stock footage reverse view of Gateway Geyser and Arch, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


DXP001_030_0005 - Aerial stock photo of The Downtown St. Louis, Missouri skyline across the Mississippi River at twilight


DX0001_000759 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly way from Gateway Arch in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight, and the Gateway Geyser


DXP001_021_0003 - Aerial stock photo of A grain elevator and casino against The Arch and skyline at sunrise, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000746 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of a stationary and flyby view of the Gateway Arch in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


DX0001_000524 - 5.7K aerial stock footage approaching Mississippi River and Gateway Arch among skyline, sunrise, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000699 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of a view across the river at Gateway Arch and Downtown St. Louis, Missouri at sunset


DX0001_000733 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the Downtown St. Louis, Missouri skyline in silhouette at sunset


DX0001_000738 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of Downtown St. Louis, Missouri at sunset, seen from Illinois


DX0001_000545 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of city skyline and Arch while descending below a freeway in East St. Louis, sunrise, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_021_0006 - Aerial stock photo of A grain elevator and park with a view of the Arch and skyline across the Mississippi River, sunrise, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_028_0002 - Aerial stock photo of The Gateway Arch at sunset in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000754 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend to approach Gateway Geyser, and the Arch in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


DX0001_000960 - 5.7K aerial stock footage approach park and the Gateway Arch in the morning, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000970 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend from light traffic on I-55 for view of the Gateway Arch at sunrise, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000898 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the Gateway Arch at twilight across the Mississippi River, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000961 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby park with view of the Gateway Arch in the morning, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DXP001_038_0006 - Aerial stock photo of The St. Louis Arch beside the river at sunrise in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000896 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the famous Gateway Arch at twilight, visible from across the Mississippi River, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000758 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend over the Gateway Geyser for view of the Arch in Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


DX0001_000763 - 5.7K aerial stock footage pass the Gateway Geyser with view of Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


DX0001_000752 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly away from Gateway Geyser, with view of Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


DX0001_000921 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the Gateway Arch and the skyline of Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, across the river at sunrise


DX0001_000895 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the Gateway Arch at twilight, visible from across the Mississippi River, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000762 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby Gateway Geyser with view of Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


DX0001_000552 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of skyline and Arch from freeway and park in East St. Louis, sunrise, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri


DX0001_000697 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the setting sun behind the Downtown St. Louis, Missouri skyline


DXP001_029_0013 - Aerial stock photo of Gateway Arch across the river, seen from grain elevator and fountains, Downtown St. Louis, Missouri, twilight


212 results found
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