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Clark Memorial Bridge Stock Footage and Stock Videos - 20 Results

20 results of Clark Memorial Bridge Stock Footage and Videos in 1080, UHD, 4K & 5K

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20 results found
DX0001_003086 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby arena and city skyline at sunset, seen while passing bridge, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003069 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly away from arena and skyline, reveal bridge and Ohio River at sunset, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003065 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of arena and city skyline seen from bridge spanning river at sunset, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003079 - 5.7K aerial stock footage view of arena and city skyline at sunset from the bridge, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003068 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby bridge and ascend near arena and skyline at sunset, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003089 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby the arena, city skyline, and bridge over the river at sunset, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003085 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the arena and city skyline at sunset, seen from near the bridge, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003067 - 5.7K aerial stock footage descend by bridge with view of the skyline at sunset, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003070 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the arena and skyline, seen while flying by bridge and Ohio River at sunset, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003077 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby river and bridge to pass arena and city skyline at sunset, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003082 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly toward arena and city skyline at sunset from the bridge, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003073 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby freeway near the arena and city skyline, and bridge spanning river at sunset, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003066 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the arena and city skyline seen from a bridge spanning Ohio River at sunset, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003071 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of flying by bridge and and ascend near the arena and city skyline at sunset, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003090 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby bridge over the river at sunset toward arena, skyline in background, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003080 - 5.7K aerial stock footage view of city skyline at sunset while passing the bridge, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003081 - 5.7K aerial stock footage reverse view of city skyline at sunset while ascending by the bridge, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003076 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly over the river to approach arena and city skyline at sunset, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003074 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend by bridge spanning river at sunset for view of skyline, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


DX0001_003075 - 5.7K aerial stock footage reverse view of bridge spanning river and city skyline at sunset, Downtown Louisville, Kentucky


20 results found
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