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First Street Bridge Stock Footage and Stock Videos - 77 Results

77 results of First Street Bridge Stock Footage and Videos in 1080, UHD, 4K & 5K

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77 results found
AX0003_134 - 4.8K aerial stock footage fly over Mather Tower and follow the Chicago River through downtown at night, Downtown Chicago, Illinois


AX142_064E - 5.5K aerial stock footage approaching Longfellow Bridge, Downtown Boston, Cambridge, Massachusetts


DXP002_110_0001 - Aerial stock photo of A view of the city's waterfront skyline and Lady Bird Lake at sunset in Downtown Austin, Texas


DXP002_102_0004 - Aerial stock photo of The First Street Bridge, Lady Bird Lake and skyline of Downtown Austin, Texas


AX142_078E - 5.5K aerial stock footage flying over Charles River, approaching bridges, Cambridge, Massachusetts


DX0002_110_010 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby hotel to approach skyline and Lady Bird Lake at sunset, Downtown Austin, Texas


AX0001_137.0000181F - Aerial stock photo of A bird's eye view of N State Street in Downtown Chicago, and the Chicago River, Illinois


DX0002_102_007 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city skyline seen from across Lady Bird Lake, Downtown Austin, Texas


DX0002_110_001 - 5.7K aerial stock footage the city's waterfront skyline and Lady Bird Lake at sunset in Downtown Austin, Texas


DX0002_109_001 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city's skyline across Lady Bird Lake, ascend near bridge, Downtown Austin, Texas


DXP002_109_0015 - Aerial stock photo of A view of the city's waterfront skyline, seen from apartment building and hotel, Downtown Austin, Texas


DX0002_109_004 - 5.7K aerial stock footage focus on the city's skyline across Lady Bird Lake, ascend near bridge, Downtown Austin, Texas


AXSF06_022 - 5K aerial stock footage of a bird's eye view of California Street in the city's Chinatown district, tilt to reveal Bay Bridge, San Francisco, California


AX75_091 - 4.8K aerial stock footage of Georgetown University and Francis Scott Key Bridge in Washington DC


PP0002_000041 - 5.7K stock footage aerial video tilt from skyscrapers in Downtown San Francisco, California to reveal Embarcadero and Bay Bridge


AX66_0422 - 4.8K aerial stock footage of Queensboro Bridge and Midtown Manhattan skyscrapers, New York City, night


DX0002_110_009 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly away from skyline and Lady Bird Lake at sunset, reveal hotel in Downtown Austin, Texas


DXP002_109_0004 - Aerial stock photo of The city's skyline on the other side of Lady Bird Lake, seen from park by bridge, Downtown Austin, Texas


DXP002_102_0006 - Aerial stock photo of The city's skyline seen from First Street Bridge and Lady Bird Lake, Downtown Austin, Texas


AX0032_084 - 5K aerial stock footage fly over Royal Poinciana Way, reveal Flagler Memorial Bridge, Palm Beach, Florida


DXP002_110_0002 - Aerial stock photo of The city's waterfront skyline and Lady Bird Lake at sunset in Downtown Austin, Texas


AX122_050E - 5.5K aerial stock footage of heavy traffic on Delancey Street to Williamsburg Bridge at Night, Lower East Side, NYC


AX0003_039.0000226F - Aerial stock photo of Bridges spanning the Chicago River through downtown at sunset, Downtown Chicago, Illinois


AX81_050E - 4.8K aerial stock footage of orbit bridges over the Schuylkill River by Cira Centre, I-76 and train yard, reveal Downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Night


AX0002_038 - 4.8K aerial stock footage tilt from bird's eye of W Fulton Street to reveal the Chicago River and skyscrapers, Downtown Chicago, Illinois


AXSF10_098 - 5K aerial stock footage tilt from city streets to reveal skyscrapers in Downtown San Francisco and Bay Bridge, California, night


AX0156_101 - 7.6K aerial stock footage of warehouse building by the Fourth Street Viaduct in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, California at sunrise


AXSF07_013 - 5K aerial stock footage tilt from apartment and office buildings to fly over skyscrapers in Downtown San Francisco, California, night


DX0002_110_002 - 5.7K aerial stock footage a wide orbit of the city's waterfront skyline and Lady Bird Lake at sunset in Downtown Austin, Texas


AX155_289 - 5.5K aerial stock footage flying away from Wells Fargo Center and KOIN Center near the river at night in Downtown Portland, Oregon


DX0002_102_001 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city's skyline while flying by First Street Bridge and Lady Bird Lake, Downtown Austin, Texas


AXSF07_027 - 5K aerial stock footage approach and pan across heavy Bay Bridge traffic, Downtown San Francisco, California, night


AX155_289.0000295F - Aerial stock photo of Wells Fargo Center and KOIN Center near the river at night in Downtown Portland, Oregon


DX0002_109_037 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of downtown skyscrapers during descent, reveal bridge in Downtown Austin, Texas


DX0002_102_009 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of a reverse view of First Street Bridge, Lady Bird Lake and the city skyline, Downtown Austin, Texas


DXP002_102_0005 - Aerial stock photo of Cars on First Street Bridge spanning Lady Bird Lake with view of skyline, Downtown Austin, Texas


AX141_209E - 5.5K aerial stock footage of a bird's eye view over small bridge, city street, Downtown Boston, Massachusetts, night


DXP002_102_0008 - Aerial stock photo of The First Street Bridge spanning Lady Bird Lake, looking toward the skyline, Downtown Austin, Texas


DXP002_109_0007 - Aerial stock photo of A view of skyscrapers of the city's skyline across Lady Bird Lake seen from a bridge, Downtown Austin, Texas


DXP002_102_0007 - Aerial stock photo of A view of the city's skyline from the First Street Bridge and Lady Bird Lake, Downtown Austin, Texas


AX155_059E - 5.5K aerial stock footage flying by South Park Blocks, city streets and skyscrapers near the river in Downtown Portland, Oregon


AX0001_137 - 4.8K aerial stock footage of bird's eye view of N State Street in Downtown Chicago, and the Chicago River, Illinois


AX0003_039 - 4.8K aerial stock footage of following the river through downtown past Marina City at sunset, Downtown Chicago, Illinois


DXP002_109_0005 - Aerial stock photo of The city's skyline on the opposite side of Lady Bird Lake seen from a street near bridge, Downtown Austin, Texas


DXP002_109_0006 - Aerial stock photo of Skyscrapers in the city's skyline across Lady Bird Lake seen from a bridge in Downtown Austin, Texas


DX0002_117_033 - 5.7K aerial stock footage descend near pedestrian bridge with view of Broadway across the Cumberland River, Downtown Nashville, Tennessee


AX155_346E - 5.5K aerial stock footage of a bird's eye of NW 4th and 5th Avenue through downtown at nighttime; Downtown Portland, Oregon


DXP002_109_0003 - Aerial stock photo of The city's skyline across Lady Bird Lake, seen from park near bridge, Downtown Austin, Texas


DX0002_109_024 - 5.7K aerial stock footage part of the city's waterfront skyline, and First Street Bridge over Lady Bird Lake, Downtown Austin, Texas


DX0002_109_002 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city's skyline across Lady Bird Lake seen from bridge, Downtown Austin, Texas


AX155_086E - 5.5K aerial stock footage of a bird's eye view of city streets, US Bancorp Tower, and buildings in Downtown Portland, reveal the river, Oregon


AX55_033E - 5K aerial stock footage follow SW 5th Avenue to reveal US Bancorp Tower and Broadway Bridge, Downtown Portland, Oregon, night


DX0002_109_014 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city's waterfront skyline on the other side of Lady Bird Lake, Downtown Austin, Texas


DX0002_102_008 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of First Street Bridge and Lady Bird Lake with view of the city skyline, Downtown Austin, Texas


AX155_095E - 5.5K aerial stock footage of a bird's eye view of the Hawthorne Bridge becoming SW Madison Street and the waterfront park in Downtown Portland, Oregon


DX0002_102_011 - 5.7K aerial stock footage descend near First Street Bridge and Lady Bird Lake with view of skyline, Downtown Austin, Texas


DX0002_102_010 - 5.7K aerial stock footage approach First Street Bridge, Lady Bird Lake, and the city skyline, Downtown Austin, Texas


DX0002_109_023 - 5.7K aerial stock footage a reverse view of the city's waterfront skyline and First Street Bridge over Lady Bird Lake, Downtown Austin, Texas


DX0002_109_022 - 5.7K aerial stock footage a view of the city's waterfront skyline and First Street Bridge over Lady Bird Lake, Downtown Austin, Texas


AX104_059 - 4.8K aerial stock footage of Light traffic on bridges in the Caribbean, San Juan, Puerto Rico, sunset


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