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Lake Union Stock Footage and Stock Videos - 19 Results

19 results of Lake Union Stock Footage and Videos in 1080, UHD, 4K & 5K

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19 results found
AX47_067 - 5K aerial stock footage fly over Lake Union to approach Aurora Bridge and light traffic crossing the span, Seattle, Washington


AX47_078 - 5K aerial stock footage fly away from Ship Canal Bridge and tilt to reveal Lake Union and the skyline of Downtown Seattle, Washington


AX47_090 - 5K aerial stock footage fly over the Ship Canal Bridge to approach the Downtown Seattle skyline and Lake Union, Washington


AX47_079E - 5K aerial stock footage fly over an office building, tilt to reveal the bridge, Lake Union, and Downtown Seattle skyline in Washington


AX47_088E - 5K aerial stock footage tilt from the University of Washington campus to reveal Portage Bay, Lake Union, and the skyline of Downtown Seattle, Washington


AX47_073 - 5K aerial stock footage fly over Aurora Bridge and Lake Union marinas to approach the Downtown Seattle skyline, Washington


AX47_068 - 5K aerial stock footage approach and fly over bridge spanning Lake Union, reveal Downtown Seattle skyline, Washington


AX47_076E - 5K aerial stock footage of the Ship Canal Bridge spanning the east side of Lake Union, Seattle, Washington


AX50_085 - 5K aerial stock footage orbit University District office buildings, and tilt to reveal the bridge and Lake Union, Seattle, Washington, twilight


AX50_087 - Aerial stock footage of 5K aerial  video of Ship Canal Bridge, approach Lake Union and the Downtown Seattle skyline, Washington, twilight


AX50_084 - 5K aerial stock footage of bird's eye view of light traffic crossing the Ship Canal Bridge, Seattle, Washington, twilight


AX50_082E - 5K aerial stock footage of the Aurora Bridge spanning the Fremont Cut, Lake Union, Seattle, Washington, sunset


AX47_064E - 5K aerial stock footage fly over marinas and Lake Union, with boats in the water, Seattle, Washington


AX47_075 - 5K aerial stock footage tilt and flyby Gas Works Park beside Lake Union, Wallingford, Seattle, Washington


AX47_066 - 5K aerial stock footage approach Gas Works Park on the shore of Lake Union, Wallingford, Seattle, Washington


AX47_074 - 5K aerial stock footage of flying by Gas Works Park beside Lake Union, Wallingford, Seattle, Washington


AX50_088E - 5K aerial stock footage fly over the Capitol Hill neighborhood and Lake Union to approach Downtown Seattle skyline, twilight


AX47_069E - 5K aerial stock footage of tracking a seaplane taking off from Lake Union, Seattle, Washington


AX47_094 - 5K aerial stock footage of orbiting Lake Union Park and the Museum of History and Industry, Seattle, Washington


19 results found
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