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The Presidio, San Francisco Aerial Stock Footage and Photos - 13 Results

13 results of The Presidio, San Francisco Aerial Stock Video Footage and Photos available in 5.1K RAW, 4K, 4K UHD H264 & 4K LOG | Page 1 of 1

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13 results found
AX0175_0162 - 6K aerial stock footage of flying over The Presidio toward the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California


AXSF06_042 - 5K aerial stock footage fly over The Presidio and freeway toll booth, reveal Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California


AXSF07_038 - 5K aerial stock footage tilt from bird's eye of freeway interchange to reveal Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California, night


AXSF06_041 - 5K aerial stock footage fly over MacArthur Tunnel and The Presidio Golf Course, tilt to reveal Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California


AX0175_0161 - 6K aerial stock footage tilt from Inner Richmond to reveal The Presidio and Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California


AX0173_0050 - 6K aerial stock footage office buildings and studios at The Presidio in San Francisco, California


AX0173_0051 - 6K aerial stock footage flyby office buildings and studios at The Presidio in San Francisco, California


AXSF13_028 - 5K aerial stock footage fly over film studio at The Presidio, reveal distant skyline of Downtown San Francisco, California


AX0173_0061 - 6K aerial stock footage follow Veterans Blvd to the MacArthur Tunnel in The Presidio, San Francisco, California


AXSF13_026 - 5K aerial stock footage orbit Lucasfilm, Industrial Light and Magic film studio at The Presidio, San Francisco, California


AXSF13_027 - 5K aerial stock footage of Lucasfilm film studio, Industrial Light and Magic, at The Presidio, San Francisco, California


AXSF13_025 - 5K aerial stock footage of panning from Crissy Field to The Presidio, San Francisco, California


AXSF07_037 - 5K aerial stock footage of a bird's eye of Highway 101 freeway traffic through The Presidio, San Francisco, California, night


13 results found
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