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South China Sea Stock Footage and Stock Videos - 30 Results

30 results of South China Sea Stock Footage and Videos in 1080, UHD, 4K & 5K

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30 results found
SS01_0119 - 5K stock footage aerial video fly over Port of Hong Kong to approach Kowloon and Hong Kong Island at night, China


DCA02_017 - 4K aerial stock footage tilt from Port of Hong Kong to reveal Kwai Chung apartment buildings, Hong Kong, China


DCA02_053 - 4K aerial stock footage of Castle Peak Power Station seen from the South China Sea, New Territories, Hong Kong, China


DCA02_018 - 4K aerial stock footage pan from Port of Hong Kong and office buildings to reveal Kwai Chung apartment buildings, Hong Kong, China


SS01_0115 - 5K stock footage aerial video fly over containers at the Port of Hong Kong toward center of Stonecutters Bridge at night in China


SS01_0234 - 5K stock footage aerial video fly over stacks of containers at the Port of Hong Kong at night, China


SS01_0263 - 5K stock footage aerial video approach Stonecutters Bridge from Rambler Channel through Port of Hong Kong at night, China


SS01_0260 - 5K stock footage aerial video fly over Rambler Channel at night to approach Stonecutters Bridge and Port of Hong Kong, China


SS01_0114 - 5K stock footage aerial video of flying over the Port of Hong Kong to approach the Stonecutters Bridge at night, China


SS01_0261 - 5K stock footage aerial video follow Rambler Channel by the Port to Hong Kong at night to approach Stonecutters Bridge, China


SS01_0262 - 5K stock footage aerial video flyby Port of Hong Kong at night to approach Stonecutters Bridge, China


SS01_0117 - 5K stock footage aerial video approach Port of Hong Kong at end of the Stonecutters Bridge at night in China


DCA02_052 - 4K aerial stock footage of Tin Hau Temple on Sha Chau Island in the South China Sea, New Territories, Hong Kong, China


SS01_0235 - 5K stock footage aerial video fly over rows of shipping containers at night at the Port of Hong Kong, China


SS01_0112 - 5K stock footage aerial video approach the Port of Hong Kong and the Stonecutters Bridge at night, China


DCA02_050 - 4K aerial stock footage oil slick and barges near Sha Chau Island in the South China Sea, New Territories, Hong Kong, China


SS01_0113 - 5K stock footage aerial video fly over the Port of Hong Kong to approach Stonecutters Bridge at night, China


SS01_0116 - 5K stock footage aerial video of flying by Stonecutters Bridge to approach part of the Port of Hong Kong at night in China


SS01_0239 - 5K stock footage aerial video of cargo cranes at the Port of Hong Kong at night, China


SS01_0232 - 5K stock footage aerial video approach and fly over containers and cranes at the Port of Hong Kong at night, China


SS01_0238 - 5K stock footage aerial video flyby a pair of cargo ships docked at the Port of Hong Kong at night, China


SS01_0236 - 5K stock footage aerial video fly over ships docked under cranes at night at the Port of Hong Kong, China


SS01_0233 - 5K stock footage aerial video fly over cargo ships and cranes at the Port of Hong Kong at night, China


DCA02_051 - 4K aerial stock footage fly over barges near Sha Chau Island in the South China Sea, New Territories, Hong Kong, China


SS01_0118 - 5K stock footage aerial video approach the shore of the Port of Hong Kong at night, China


SS01_0237 - 5K stock footage aerial video fly over a row of cargo ships docked at the Port of Hong Kong at nighttime, China


SS01_0240 - 5K stock footage aerial video flyby cargo cranes and wide streets at the Port of Hong Kong at night, China


SS01_0111 - 5K stock footage aerial video tilt to reveal the Port of Hong Kong and the Stonecutters Bridge at night, China


DCA02_008 - 4K aerial stock footage of a cargo ship on the South China Sea near the Outlying Islands, Hong Kong, China


DCA02_009 - 4K aerial stock footage approach ferries and cargo ships near Hong Kong Island and Victoria Harbor, China


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