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Southeast Steam Plant Stock Footage and Stock Videos - 50 Results

50 results of Southeast Steam Plant Stock Footage and Videos in 1080, UHD, 4K & 5K

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50 results found
DX0001_002324 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of orbit riverfront power plant at sunrise, with view of Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DXP001_000356 - Aerial stock photo of The city's skyline seen from power plant by the Mississippi River at sunrise, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002300 - 5.7K aerial stock footage passing bridge and river to reveal power plant, with view of skyline at sunrise, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002306 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby power plant for view of city skyline across the river at sunrise, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002583 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby smoke stacks and the city skyline lit for the night at twilight, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DXP001_000357 - Aerial stock photo of The city's skyline seen from power plant smoke stacks by the Mississippi River at sunrise, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002536 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of city skyline across the Mississippi River at sunset, and reveal the power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DXP001_000352 - Aerial stock photo of The downtown skyline across the river, seen from power plant at sunrise, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DXP001_000421 - Aerial stock photo of The skyline across the Mississippi River, seen from a power plant at sunset, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DXP001_000431 - Aerial stock photo of Power plant in foreground and city skyline on the other side of the river at sunset, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002327 - 5.7K aerial stock footage descend by riverfront power plant at sunrise, with skyline in background, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002566 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city skyline across the river at twilight, seen from power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DXP001_000424 - Aerial stock photo of The sun setting behind the skyline across the Mississippi River, seen from riverfront power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DXP001_000429 - Aerial stock photo of The city skyline on the other side of the river at sunset, seen from power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DXP001_000422 - Aerial stock photo of The setting sun behind the skyline across the river, seen from a power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002584 - 5.7K aerial stock footage pass by smoke stacks and the city skyline lit for the night at twilight, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002326 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of orbiting riverfront power plant at sunrise, Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002539 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby river with view of city skyline in background at sunset, reveal power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002519 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city skyline across the river and a power plant at sunset, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002520 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city skyline across the river while flying by a power plant at sunset, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002533 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of city skyline across the Mississippi River at sunset, seen from power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002297 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby bridge and river at sunrise, reveal power plant, with view of skyline, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002558 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city's skyline and river bridge at sunset, seen from power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002311 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby smoke stacks for view of skyline across the river at sunrise, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002290 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby power plant and bridge with the city skyline across the river at sunrise, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002535 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of city skyline across the Mississippi River at sunset, seen from the power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002310 - 5.7K aerial stock footage pass the city skyline across the river at sunrise, reveal smoke stacks, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002555 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city's skyline, bridge and the river at sunset, reveal power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002529 - 5.7K aerial stock footage view of city skyline while flying by bridge and river at sunset, reveal power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002318 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of US Bank Stadium at sunrise, seen from power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002523 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of flying by power plant, with the city skyline across river at sunset, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002313 - 5.7K aerial stock footage power plant and smoke stacks with skyline in background at sunrise, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002325 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of riverfront power plant at sunrise, Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002546 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby power plant with view of US Bank Stadium across the river at sunset, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002289 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend to reveal power plant, and the city skyline across the river at sunrise, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002530 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of city skyline while flying over power plant and river at sunset, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002302 - 5.7K aerial stock footage descend past power plant with view of skyline at sunrise, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002525 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of flying by the power plant and river at sunset, focus on skyline, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002301 - 5.7K aerial stock footage descend with view of power plant and skyline at sunrise, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002534 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of city skyline across the Mississippi River at sunset, reveal power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002524 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of flying by the city skyline across river at sunset, reveal power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002563 - 5.7K aerial stock footage slow pass of the city skyline at twilight, reveal the power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002522 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of flying by the city skyline across the river at sunset, reveal power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002552 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby power plant and river to focus on skyline at sunset, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002292 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby power plant with the city skyline across the river at sunrise, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002527 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby riverfront power plant at sunset for view of city skyline, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002532 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of city skyline across the Mississippi River at sunset, reveal power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002537 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby the power plant with city skyline in background at sunset, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002541 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby river with view of city skyline at sunset, reveal the power plant, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


DX0001_002542 - 5.7K aerial stock footage descend by power plant at sunset with view of skyline of Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota


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