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Little St James Island, St Thomas Aerial Stock Footage and Photos - 15 Results

15 results of Little St James Island, St Thomas Aerial Stock Video Footage and Photos available in 4.8K RAW, 4K, 4K UHD H264 & 4K LOG | Page 1 of 1

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15 results found
AX102_250 - 4.8K aerial stock footage of an Oceanfront gold domed building, Little St James Island


AX102_251 - 4.8K aerial stock footage Orbiting an oceanfront guesthouse and American flag, Little St James Island, St Thomas


AX102_252E - 4.8K aerial stock footage of an oceanfront mansion and palm trees, Little St James Island, St Thomas


AX102_254 - 4.8K aerial stock footage of an Oceanfront pool and American flag along Caribbean blue waters, Little St James Island, St Thomas


AX102_248E - 4.8K aerial stock footage of Little St James Island surrounded by sapphire waters, St Thomas, US Virgin Islands


AX96_164 - 5k stock footage aerial stock footage orbiting the mansion on Little St James Island, St Thomas, Virgin Islands


AX96_158 - 5k stock footage aerial stock footage orbit mansion on Little St James Island, St Thomas, Virgin Islands


AX96_160 - 5k stock footage aerial stock footage approach and orbit gold-domed building on Little St James Island, St Thomas, Virgin Islands


AX96_159 - 5k stock footage aerial stock footage fly over island to approach gold-domed building on Little St James Island, St Thomas, Virgin Islands


AX96_163 - 5k stock footage aerial stock footage orbiting flag and pool and fly away on Little St James Island, St Thomas, Virgin Islands


AX96_165 - 5k stock footage aerial stock footage American flag and circular building on Little St James Island, St Thomas, Virgin Islands


AX96_161 - 5k stock footage aerial stock footage orbit American flag and pool area on Little St James Island, St Thomas, Virgin Islands


AX96_157 - 5k stock footage aerial stock footage approach and orbit Little St James Island in sapphire blue waters, St Thomas, Virgin Islands


AX96_162 - 5k stock footage aerial stock footage orbiting American flag and pool area on Little St James Island, St Thomas, Virgin Islands


AX96_166 - 5k stock footage aerial stock footage approach and fly over the mansion on Little St James Island, St Thomas, Virgin Islands


15 results found
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